السبت، 5 أكتوبر 2013

Senior Citizen Medical Marijuana Informational Website & Business Directory

Project Description:
The ultimate goal is to help the older people understand the benefits of medical cannabis and to support the legalization movement. So:Design and develop a mostly but not all non commercial medical marijuana/cannabis for seniors and older people, a pretty and professional looking website that has a similar business directory as the original or contemporary coinweek.com ( go to wayback machine and see what it looked like when it was coinlink.com and it'll be closer to what I think we want ) Graphically rich with a softness and art appearance. Minimal daily maintenance after creation. Want business directory incorporated into the website that allows business's to list themselves, biz info, url etc. The theme of the website will be geared toward the older thru senior population which I am a member. It will strictly be for information however hopefully some revenues to make it possible will hopefully come from a few banner ads and other specialty advertising. I realize most of them fail, but I'm not looking to make big bucks here, just something that is high resolution and beautiful, that makes an immediate visual impact similar to http://cannabisnowmagazine.com/ although again this is an idea from one old person who has ( me, I do ) major health problems, open heart surgery, vascular, chronic inoperative pain and who benefits greatly from cannabis, would like to help other older and more seriously ignorant people to learn, read, possibly interact and find places that don't play hip hop when they enter the front door to hopefully buy meds. A mature informational website for older people that mature businesses would want to advertise themselves before.
A high quality website that 1 person can maintain part time, so things like the business directory has to be mostly automated so that all I have to do is approve, reject or communicate with the lister as to getting listed, allow others to list news and informational links that I can review, approve etc and also allow people who have something to say that will benefit the older crowd can send in articles of theirs, interviews etc. And of course a cannabis museum of sorts with lots of listings and reviews that can also be a mostly automated thing that allows people to send in the review ( and image ) that just has to be reviewed and then approved or rejected. The payment system for the ads, could be paypal or other payment system.
Must be a high resolution appearance with crystal clear graphics which you provide. Easy to navigate. Easy to maintain. The owner does not have any technical skills so the maintenance must be very simple to manage, similar to an e-bay. Business directory will allow businesses to list themselves and use a drop down to determine correct category. They can list free once a month. After 30 days they can list again free but if they want a yearly listing then it's a small cost. Options will include bold, box around listing and a paid for box ad which will appear at the top of the alphabetical listings . Will need a variety of small banners that the customer can choose to highlight his business and also for a link to us page.
Probably a few more things I haven't mentioned but want to get started with finding suitable web person to create this, hopefully someone who also cares about the movement to legalize. I checked the initial box because that's what was suggested. I am open to all proposals that are reasonable if backed by real quality, efficiency and if the developer can give me what I want, something that I can maintain with minimal help from php programmers who work for me part time but have very little graphics or English skills hence the project being shown here. Thank you

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