الخميس، 24 أكتوبر 2013

Design a Logo for for a new Hackerspace

Design a Logo for for a new Hackerspace

Contest Brief

Bangkok is getting a Hackerspace soon and we need a logo.
I guess most people will know what a hackerspace is but for the ones who don't you can have a quick read on http://hackerspace.org.
I would like the Logo to represent both Bangkok and the hacking/maker community.
There are no color restrictions as long as both words Bangkok and Hackerspace are readable.
I think i would like a "since 2014" mentioned.
It should look great on a T-shirt, both large and small. And it will be used as a sign on the door and wall.
Maybe also a special 'hacked in Bangkok' miniversion for on a sticker so that it can be used on things instead of the "Made in xxxxxx" that you see on products.
I would like to see the Logo in combination with short texts for on a t-shirt like "I hacked it in Bangkok". "Bangkok Hackers", "Made in China, but hacked by me" and if you have a nice one please add them

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